I was in a thrift store recently and saw this desk. It brought back so many memories; most of them were good! Of course it reminded me of classmates during my first few years of school. In fact I just read the obituary of one of them a few days ago. It also took me back to the feeling of class time as we learned reading, writing, and arithmetic. Somehow, it seems life was pretty simple back then.

As I sorted through those memories one of the more special ones was how safe I felt at my desk. As I recall we used to do safety drills for the possibility of some dangerous situation. A tornado drill would amount to crawling under the desk. We knew we would be safe under the desk. There was also that remote, but necessary concern of an atomic bomb attack. Even with that we would be safe under the desk. I was only six and it was easy to feel safe under the desk. I suppose my memories could be a little different than the reality of those times, but nevertheless when I saw that desk I felt I could crawl under it and be safe. I almost brought it home so I could enjoy that feeling. What are your memories of that desk?


2 Responses

  1. My memories are of the great friends I made as neighbors to my desk.

    I remember in first grade, I think it was 1st grade, Mrs Purdy or maybe 2nd grade with Mrs. McIntyre, one of them said “Now students, you may not know this, but we have 2 animals in the class, a Wolf and a Fox.

    I also remember the “Under the Desk” drills especially the Cuban Crisis drills. My father had a make shift bomb shelter in the basement. Except for school, where he knew I was safe, under the desk, I wasn’t allowed to go away from the house for 2 weeks.

    Good to hear from you Dave.

  2. I also remember getting under the desk for safety drills.
    The girl that sat in front of me had really long hair. Her hair was always spread over the top of my desk. Eventually the teacher showed her how to tuck it between her back and the seat back. That was probably after a little glue accidentally spilled on her hair. ( it was an accident)

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